Record Check

The BCLA’s General Operating Policy states that Local Associations must implement the use of Criminal Record Checks. The SCLA Policy maintains that All Adults who are in contact with our minor athletes must submit to a Criminal Record Check. This includes Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Trainers and Officials.

This is a simple process which can be done in person at the local RCMP office, or online using the link below. The online process will take less than 3 minutes, and the results will be forwarded to the Association President.

Access Code: AT5LYQHSLS Start Here

If you prefer to Submit your request in person, please use the SCLA party id # 1457431.


The SCLA, and our Teams, are only as good as our coaches. That is not to say that to coach you need to be Highly Skilled in Lacrosse (or coaching) but more that our Coaches need to adhere to the core principles that the Association requires us all to follow. Most important of these is our Fair Play Policy. Young Athletes need a Coach that they can respect, and trust.

The CLA has produced a New Coach Survival Guide Which is Full of valuable information to get a coach started on a path to success!

We are always on the lookout for new Coaches. There is probably no better way to support your own child’s interest in sport, and learn a lot along the way, than to step in as a Coach or Assistant. If you are interested in either of these positions, please download the Coaching Application and contact our Coach Coordinator, Eoin Ross.

New for 2015, in the PeeWee Bantam and Midget divisions ALL bench personnel will need to be Certified Coaches. This means that to be on the bench as a Door Person, you will need at a minimum Community Development coach certification. Novice Division and lower will still be allowed to utilize Door People who have completed the online Doorman Course through the BCLA. This Doorman Certification is only valid for two years, after which the Door Person will be required to start certification as a minimum Community Development coach.

If you have any interest in Coaching, or have questions, please contact our Coach Coordinator, Eoin Ross .

Division Minimum Standard
Mini-Tyke Community Development Trained
Tyke Community Development Trained
Novice Community Development Trained
BCLA Doorman Course
PeeWee Community Development Trained
Bantam Competitive Introduction Trained
Midget Competitive Introduction Trained
  • BCLA Doorman Pathway

    1. Read the Online Course here.
    2. Print the twelve question test found here.
    3. All completed and signed tests are to be faxed (604-421-9755) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to Dave Showers, Technical Director, BCLA.
  • Community Development Pathway

    1. Coach obtains an access code from their local Member Association to access the online coaching program.
    2. Coach signs up for (Status page) and completes the appropriate pre-clinic assessment at
    3. Coach registers for a clinic (Status page).
    4. Coach attends clinic.
    5. Clinic facilitator checks off all the coaches who attended the clinic and submits a course registration form to their Member Association to be forwarded on to the CAC.
    6. Coach is now able to register for (Status page) and complete their workbook.
    7. Coach submits their workbook to the CLA.
    8. CLA staff member marks the workbook.
    9. CLA staff member sends workbook evaluation form to the coach with feedback for corrections (if applicable).
    10. If corrections are required, coach logs back into their account, reads the feedback provided at the bottom of each incomplete page, corrects their mistakes and re-submits their workbook.
    11. CLA staff member notifies the coach’s Member Association and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) that the coach has passed his/her workbook.
  • Competitive Introduction Pathway Coach obtains an access code from their local Member Association to access the online coaching program.

    1. Coach signs up for (Status page) and completes the appropriate pre-clinic assessment at
    2. Coach registers for a clinic (Status page).
    3. Coach attends clinic.
    4. Clinic facilitator checks off all the coaches who attended the clinic and submits a course registration form to their Member Association to be forwarded on to the CAC.
    5. Coach is now able to register for (Status page) and complete their workbook.
    6. Coach submits their workbook to the CLA.
    7. CLA staff member marks the workbook.
    8. CLA staff member sends workbook evaluation form to the coach with feedback for corrections (if applicable).
    9. If corrections are required, coach logs back into their account, reads the feedback provided at the bottom of each incomplete page, corrects their mistakes and re-submits their workbook.
    10. CLA staff member notifies the coach’s Member Association and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) that the coach has passed his/her workbook.
    11. Coach registers for an in-person or video evaluation (Status page).
    12. Member Association assigns an evaluator to the coach and notifies both individuals.
    13. Evaluator gets in touch with the coach and makes arrangements to complete the evaluation.
    14. Evaluator checks off that the coach has completed their evaluation and submits a course registration form to their Member Association to be forwarded on to the CAC.
    15. Coach follows the link on the Status page to the online Make Ethical Decisions evaluation and completes the evaluation. Note: Coach will require their CC# and password to access the online Make Ethical Decisions evaluation. If they do not have one or both of these pieces of information, they should e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
    16. Upon successful completion of the online Make Ethical Decisions evaluation, the evaluation will appear on the coach’s online NCCP transcript.

Tags: Coaches


LMMLC Coaches Handbook
LMMLC Coaches Handbook for Minor Box Lacrosse
BCLA Operating Policy
BC Lacrosse Association Operating Policy for Minor Box Lacrosse.
Offence/Defence Policy

CLA policy regarding the BCLA Rules against the use of Offence/Defence strategies in Minor Lacrosse

CLA Technical Bulletins

A summary current CLA Technical Bulletins, Rule Changes

Goaltender Equipment Standards

Standard guidelines for goalkeeper equipment as developed by the CLA's Equipment Review Committee.

Management of Abuse

CLA Workbook, Abuse and the Management of Abuse.

Operating Policy
BC Lacrosse Association Operating Policy
Concussion Awareness Training Tool provides up-to-date concussion education for Parents, Players and Coaches. It includes video lessons and resources to effectively prevent, recognize and manage a players recovery.

Parents and Players Guide to Lacrosse

Parents and Players Guide to Lacrosse, developed by the CLA. General information to help your child get the most out of participating in lacrosse!

Coach Survival Guide

New Coach Survival Guide, prepared by the CLA. Valuable resource for Lacrosse Coaches in all disciplines.

Helmets and Facemasks

Current CLA Policies regarding Helmets and Facemasks. Includes all current Technical Bulletins...

Disciplinary Guidelines
LMMLC Minor Directorate Disciplinary Guidelines and Rule Interpretations
Goalkeeper Equipment Exemption

Exemption form for Goalkeeper Equipment. Sizing Exceptions for larger Goaltenders.

LMMLC Operating Policy
Lower Mainland Minor Lacrosse Commission Operating Policy, Constitution & Bylaws.

Contact Us

P.O. BOX 1928
or by Email

Arena Information

Gibsons & Area
700 Park Road

Sunshine Coast
5982 Shoal Way